Training CoursesI am able to design and deliver training courses to meet your needs. These can be delivered on your site at a time that is convenient for you, including evenings and Saturdays. These can be as short as a half day session to longer training sessions. This is a time of great change with new qualifications, changes to the EYFS, new legislation, increased demands on practitioners and managers and depleted resources. It is important that individuals feel confident, competent, empowered and supported. Training can help individuals to take time away from the ‘demands of the day’, with others, to reflect on and consider how to develop and enhance their practice. All courses are designed to take into account the different learning styles of individuals and use a variety of training methods. These include 1:1 work, small and large group work; presentations; DVDs, practical sessions and much more. I aim to ensure that all individuals are able to reflect on their practice and have something to take back to their settings. Anti-discriminatory practice is enmeshed in all sessions and Early Years courses and linked to the EYFS. Handouts are given at the end of the session for participants to take back to their settings to support the training and to help them feedback to colleagues. Some of the training courses I am delivering at the moment include: Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
EYFS Links – A Unique Child
EYFS Links – Positive Relationships
EYFS Links – Enabling Environments
EYFS Links – Learning and Development
Management and Team Building
Rosalind Millam. All rights reserved.